If you have been charged with a
DUI, this can be a very stressful and frightening time for you. Will I lose my driver's license? Will I go to jail? Will this remain on my criminal record? These and many other questions are likely going through your mind right now.
The attorneys at Myers Duffy Dansak & Clegg
understand the difficult questions that you are asking yourself. You will undoubtedly hear advice from friends or acquaintances that have faced a DUI charge in the past. You may search the Internet for information on what may happen in your case. The single most important thing you can do right now, however, is contact an attorney with experience defending DUI cases. Every DUI case is different, and the answers you come across from others or on the Internet may not be applicable in your case.
Did the police have reasonable suspicion to stop your vehicle? Did the police have probable cause to arrest you for DUI? Was the breath testing device calibrated properly? Was the blood evidence obtained and tested properly? These and myriad other questions can only be evaluated by an experienced attorney. Call our office for a free consultation to discuss the facts of your unique case and review the Affidavit of Probable Cause filed with the criminal complaint along with any other relevant factors.